Thursday, July 29, 2010

Colourful Day

I'm gathering INSPIRATION for some floral prints and since it was such a colourful day in the garden I decided to grab the camera and take some pictures of what nature has been working so hard on!

Lovely clusters or bright yellow flowers

I love the colour range of Nasturtiums!

My favorite dried flower - Hydrangea!

Suspected weed but soo dainty & pretty!

This one is my favorite annual!

The newest clematis on our privacy screen

Mmmmmm Rosemary amongst edible Pansies!

Another colourful but suspected weed

Look at the textures! I love the round seed ball!

Ahhhhhhhh the daisies!

Thyme is so dainty but loves to be stepped on!

Couldn't leave our beautiful kitty out of the photo shoot!

Hope you had a bright and cheery day!

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